Medicus April 2016


The Cutting Edge: Practice Nurse Skills Training. Suitable for newly graduated nurses, nurses new to the role of procedural assisting, nurses seeking to update their skills and those seeking a position in General Practice. This educational activity will be submitted to APNA for endorsement and a Certificate of Attendance will be awarded upon completion of the course. Venue: CTEC, The University of Western Australia.  Time: 9.5 hours (7:45am- 5:15pm). Cost: $555pp. Western Trauma Course: Port Hedland. Suitable for health care professionals involved in the provision of trauma services. Approved by RACGP QI & CPD Program – Total Points 40 (Cat 1). ACCRM- 20 CME points. ANZCA- two points per hour of category two points for attendance. Time: 9.5 hours (7:45am-5:15pm). Cost: Medical Staff $480 pp. Nursing Staff/Ambulance Officers $360 pp. The Cutting Edge: Emergency Procedures. Suitable for GPs and GP Registrars. Nurse Practitioners welcome in assisting roles.  Approved by RACGP QI & CPD Program – Total Points 40 (Cat 1). Approved for 2 day grant in PST (Surgery) or EM also anaesthetics. ACRRM- 30 PRPD points, 30 EM MOPS, 30 Anaesthetics MOPS points and 30 Surgical MOPS points and 2 day EM/Anaesthetics/Surgical Grants.  Venue: CTEC, The University of Western Australia. Time: Day 1  8.75 hours (8:15am-5pm). Day 2 9.25 hours (8:15am-5:30pm). Cost: GPs, GP Registrars $2355 pp, Nurse Practitioners $1210pp, Observers $150pp. The Cutting Edge: Peripheral Nerve Block. Suitable for Emergency Physicians, General Practitioners, Emergency Department Nurses and Nurse Practitioners. Accredited by RACGP QI & CPD Program- Total Points 40 (Cat 1) and by ACRRM- 30 PRPD points. Approved for 1 day Anaesthesia Procedural Grant and to be submitted to the ACEM CPD Program. Time: 7.5 hours (8am-3:30pm). Venue: CTEC, The University of Western Australia. Cost: Emergency Physicians & GPs $695pp, ED Nurses and Nurse Practitioners $315pp. Western Trauma Course: Northam. Suitable for health care professionals involved in the provision of trauma services. Approved by RACGP QI & CPD Program – Total Points 40 (Cat 1). ACCRM- 20 CME points. ANZCA- two points per hour of category two points for attendance. Time: 9.5 hours (7:45am-5:15pm). Cost: Medical Staff $480 pp. Nursing Staff/Ambulance Officers $360 pp. The Australasian College of Legal Medicine: Basic Law Intensive. Suitable for all doctors, dentists and other health professionals with an understanding of the basic concepts of medical law. Venue: Sheraton Hotel, Noosa QLD. Cost: $800 pp. with discounts for ACLM members, registrars, residents and medical students. The Cutting Edge: Proceduralist Obstetrics and Gynaecological Skills Suitable for GP Proceduralists and GP Obstetricians. Limited places for KEMH Registrars in Gynaecological Surgery.  Accredited by RACGP QI & CPD Program- Total Points 40 (Cat 1). Approved for 1 day PST grant in either Obstetrics or Surgery and also Women’s Health and Surgery points. Accredited by ACRRM- 30 PRPD points, 30 O&G MOPS points and 30 Surgical MOPS points. Also approved for 1 day O&G/Surgical Procedural Grants. Venue: CTEC, The University of Western Australia. Time: 8.75 hours (7:45am- 4:30pm). Cost: GPs and Surgical Registrars $770pp. The Cutting Edge: Advanced Procedures. Suitable for GPs with a higher than average level of skill in surgery, with access to appropriate levels of equipment and operating facilities and Level 2 Procedural Insurance.  Limited Observer positions available. Accredited by the RACGP QI & CPD Program- Total Points 40 (Cat 1) and Surgery points.  Accredited by ACRRM- 30 PRPD points and 30 PRPD Surgery MOPS points and a 1 day Surgery procedural grant. Venue: CTEC, The University of Western Australia. Time: 8.75 hours (8:15am- 4:30pm). Cost: GPs $1420pp, Observers $150pp. Core Skills: Introduction to Surgical Skills. Suitable for Pre-vocational Doctors – Interns, RMO/Residents and Pre-vocational Registrars. Accredited by RACS. Venue: CTEC, The University of Western Australia. Time: 9 hours (8am- 5pm). Cost: WA Pre-vocational Doctors: $400pp. Non-WA Pre-vocational Doctors: $450pp. Western Trauma Course: Narrogin. Suitable for health care professionals involved in the provision of trauma services. Approved by RACGP QI & CPD Program – Total Points 40 (Cat 1). ACCRM- 20 CME points. ANZCA- two points per hour of category two points for attendance. Time: 9.5 hours (7:45am-5:15pm). Cost: Medical Staff $480 pp. Nursing Staff/Ambulance Officers $360 pp. Western Trauma Course: Broome. Suitable for health care professionals involved in the provision of trauma services. Approved by RACGP QI & CPD Program – Total Points 40 (Cat 1). ACCRM- 20 CME points. ANZCA - two points per hour of category two points for attendance. Time: 9.5 hours (7:45am-5:15pm). Cost: Medical Staff $480 pp. Nursing Staff/Ambulance Officers $360 pp.

Contact Lorna Christie at or on 6488 8044.

16 Apr-16

Contact WATEC at watec@ or on 9346 3699

21 May-16

Contact John Linehan at or on 6488 8044.

2-3 Jun-16

Contact John Linehan at or on 6488 8044. www.ctec.

25 Jun-16

Contact WATEC at watec@ or on 9346 3699

25 Jun-16


25-26 Jun-16

Contact John Linehan at or on 6488 8044.

20 Jul-16

Contact John Linehan at or on 6488 8044.

21 Jul-16

Contact John Linehan at or on 6488 8044.

5 Aug-16

Contact WATEC at watec@ or on 9346 3699

6 Aug-16

Contact WATEC at watec@ or on 9346 3699

10 Sep-16

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