“In an environment where there are pressures and expectations from patients, from government, from all sides really, it can be difficult to strike the balance between ensuring timely, safe healthcare and over-investigation.” During her recent placement at Walter Road East General Practice, Elizabeth analysed the practice’s performance in diabetes management. The project involved analysis of the practice database, which meant working with the vendor to develop appropriate queries, and manually verifying extracted data from more than 200 records. “Type 2 diabetes is common and a chronic disease that I feel, in general, could be successfully managed in the GP setting,” says Elizabeth.

“I was curious to establish a baseline reading of what was happening in the practice, the demographics of our patient base, the types of medications and combinations we were using, whether or not our diabetic patients were reaching targets, and I thought a clinical audit would be a way to go about gathering this information.” Elizabeth says it was the first clinical audit she had conducted and therefore involved a steep learning curve. “For me, the utility of the audit was really learning about the process, coming to grips with the software and having a basic understanding of how to go about extracting the data so that in future, we can easily find information to assist with quality improvement.”

Does she have any words of advice for the new WAGPET registrars this year? Elizabeth reiterates the importance of having a good support base and making the effort to talk and debrief with peers and colleagues. “I think most GP registrars come from a hospital environment where you are used to working in teams day-in and day-out, so moving into General Practice where you are consulting on a one-on-one basis throughout the day can be isolating,”

“I found the WAGPET regional education sessions and central

education sessions useful not only for the teaching that was provided but also for the opportunity to catch up with friends and colleagues during the breaks to share and talk over different experiences” Elizabeth says. ■


Applications for the 2017 Australian GP Training (AGPT) program open from: Monday 11 April - Friday 9 May 2016

To apply go to: For more information contact (08) 9473 8200 or | | 08 9473 8200

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