It’s hard to make a case against the expertise of Avant

Dr Brien Hennessy Avant member

including lawyers, medical advisors, claims managers and local state experts, it’s hard to make a case against the expertise of Avant. A claim against you can happen at any time. Don’t wait until it’s too late, call us today.

This year, many doctors like you will face a medico-legal claim. Without a strong team to defend you, any action could have a massive impact on your career. As Australia’s leading MDO, Avant has the depth, strength of resources and experience to advise and protect you. With 70 in-house medico-legal specialists,

To find out more, contact our State Manager – Growth (WA), Clare Cole or Head of Medical Defence Services, Chad Edwards-Smith 08 6189 5700

*IMPORTANT: Professional indemnity insurance products are issued by Avant Insurance Limited, ABN 82 003 707 471, AFSL 238 765. The information provided here is general advice only. You should consider the appropriateness of the advice having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs before deciding to purchase or continuing to hold a policy with us. For full details including the terms, conditions, and exclusions that apply, please read and consider the policy wording and PDS, which is available at or by contacting us on 1800 128 268.

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