$2.5 million to build suicide prevention skills
THE STATE GOVERNMENT has announced $200,000 in grants for suicide prevention training programs, including education for high-risk groups. Mental Health Minister Helen Morton said the grants were the first round of $2.5 million allocated to build community suicide prevention skills over the next four years. “This expenditure backs the State Government’s commitment to halve the number of suicides by the end of 2025, as part of the $25.9 million Suicide Prevention 2020: Together we can save lives strategy,” Mrs Morton said. “Grants of up to $20,000 are available for local government and not-for-profit organisations to undertake evidence-based training focused on mental wellbeing and suicide prevention. “A further $2.3 million will be available over the next three years for education and prevention programs that build
understanding and capacity to respond to suicide risk factors." The Minister said educating service providers and the public about suicide risk factors and how to recognise and support someone who was suicidal was integral to preventing suicide. Applications for small grants close on March 31, 2016.
For further information, visit http://www.mhc. For more on Mental Health in WA, see page 18 for our cover story. ■
WA Mental Health Minister Helen Morton.
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